Click & Grow Smart Garden: 2 years later - my review update

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In this video I’ll look at what I’ve learned after using Click and grow for about 2 years now.

I first reviewed the Click and Grow starting with the smart garden 3. I soon upgraded to the smart garden 9, which is what I have here. The numbers just refer how many pods each garden can accommodate.

As you can see, the garden is still with me; not only this garden but I’ve actually ended up gifting these gardens to my mother law, aunt and sister in law.

I’m definitely still using and enjoying this garden.

The lighting still works great after two years; and if you’ve seen the full review here on the channel you know Click and Grow is designed to be self-watering, holding enough water to properly irrigate the seeds for about a month at a time. There's special LED grow lights that arc overtop, and they come with extensions so you can raise the lights as your plants grow.

I can say the lighting still works great; it will come on and stay on for the lights stay on for 16 hours straight and then turn off for 8 hours. So whenever you plug them in, that's when your 'day' begins.

While I do still have the lighting extensions, I never use them any more; I just keep the lights on the tallest setting and that still seems to work even at seed germination stage.

When it comes to the seed and pods themselves; earlier this year there was a pretty wicked supply issue and I couldn’t get pods for moths. That seems to ghave been resolved and I recently received a new order which includes lots of new seed types.

I will say everything grows really well; I did have some issues with one package of mint that just never sprouted, but that’s not happened with other seeds, or since then and I did ask for and get a replacement.

In terms of how I’m using this, I keep it in the kitchen and grow fresh herbs all winter long. I find the built in LED lighting makes a huge difference in keeping the plants flourishing all winter. In spring, I’ve been suing it to sport seeds indoors then I transfer them to pots outside. For the most part I don’t grow things in it in the summer, just because outdoors is easier. Many of the plants, like basil and mint last for about 1-3 months before they need to be replanted.

I have tried growing a few things with both the available fertilized pods and my own soil and seeds had mixed success; I do find Click and grow’s pods work best of all. And honestly it’s much less messy.

I have had it happen where I’ve gotten aphids; tiny little sticky bugs that are allover the plant. I have no idea why, but they do seem to come in the spring… as doors and winders start to get thrown open. In each case, I’ve either relocated the plants outside where they seem to get over the infestation, or I did have to throw several plants out and thoroughly scrub the garden to prevent it from reoccurring.

In my review I complained about the app; since it doesn’t really do anything; The app tells you a bit about what to expect from your plant, how long a lifespan it should have, and allows you to set watering reminders, create a photo album or otherwise journal your crop. There's not really any smart connectivity to speak of; the app isn't monitoring your crop in real time, and can't for example tell you if the light is on or off, or offer that kind of remote control or time adjustments. I think that would be a great new feature for the Smart Garden, and hopefully that kind of smarts is in the works for the future.

But I doubt it, since The app hasn’t been updated in 4 years so that’s a bit of a disappointment.

Overall though I am definitely loving the Click and Grow for keeping fresh herbs and greens in my house and I can still say I recommend it even after over two years. If you want to check out the full review it’s here on the channel.


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