Arbi/Taro Root Vegetable (English Subtitles)

Описание к видео Arbi/Taro Root Vegetable (English Subtitles)

Arbi / Taro Root vegetable

Arbi / Taro Root (Boiled and peeled) - 1/2 KG
Oil - 1/2 cup
Asafoetida (Hing) - 2 TSP
Ajwain / Ajman seeds - 2 TSP
Kashmiri red chili powder- 3 TBSP
Coriander seed powder- 4.5 TBSP
Salt - per taste (3/4 TSP)
Sugar - 1/2 TSP

Step 1 - On a large plate / bowl take the boiled and peeled arbi / tarp roots (1/2 KG) - add the coriander powder (4.5TBSP) and Kashmiri red chili powder (3 TBSP) and mix well such that each Taro root get coated on all sides by the spices
Step 2 - In non stick pan take oil (1/2 cup) and heat
Step 3 - Once hot to the oil in the pan add asafoetida (2 TSP), Ajwain (Ajman seeds - 2 TSP)
Step 4 - Add the spice coated arbi / taro roots to the pan, then add salt (per taste - I have used 3/4 TSP), sugar (1/2 TSP) and mix well
Step 5 - Now allow this to cook over a low flame for 2 minutes
Step 6 - Now flip the arbi / tarp roots on the side and then cook for 2 minutes (ensure you have enough space to flip the taro root or use another pan)
Step 7 - Then flip the taro roots on the side again and cook for 5 minutes over a low flame and then repeat one more time (in total the arbi was allowed to cook on sides over a low flame over a period of 14-16 minutes) and then switch off the flame
Step 8 - Allow it to cool and dry up and then serve with rotis


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