How to Calculate the CO2 Bubbles/Min. for your Aquarium │ B2B#03 │ AQUA BOY

Описание к видео How to Calculate the CO2 Bubbles/Min. for your Aquarium │ B2B#03 │ AQUA BOY

The third video of the series - Back to Basics is about how to calculate the required dosing of CO2 (number of bubbles per minute) for a given capacity of planted tank with a pressurized CO2 system.

Most of the beginners in this hobby are confused about determining the required CO2 for their tanks. And if a CO2 drop checker is not available this will be very difficult. The video explains the simplest method to determine the number of bubbles of CO2 per minute going to the tank which can be counted using a bubble counter.
Once the volume of the tank is known, this method can be used to find the required CO2.

How to Calculate the volume of the tank:    • How to Calculate your Aquarium Tank W...  


1) Thumb Rule for Calculation
2) To find the number of Bubbles per minute for a given tank capacity.
3) Easiest Method
4) PRO -Method

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Credits :
Rush templates & Music:
Bubble Counter & CO2 Drop Checker: CO2 Art, DENNERLE


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