Discerning Coccyx Pain: Differentiating Disc Issues and Weight-Bearing Problems

Описание к видео Discerning Coccyx Pain: Differentiating Disc Issues and Weight-Bearing Problems

Dr. Stephen Sandler explains how to distinguish coccyx pain from other spinal issues, such as a lumbar disc prolapse, using diagnostic imaging and patient history. He takes the audience through an MRI scan, pointing out the key structures, including the intervertebral disc and facet joints. He also highlights the importance of a thorough medical history to rule out other causes, such as gynecological, colorectal, or prostate problems, which can produce referred pain due to shared nerve pathways.


Dr Stephen Sandler graduated from The British School of Osteopathy in 1975. He has been involved in teaching at an undergraduate and postgraduate level for more than 45 years having gained his PhD in 2006. He has taught in more than 22 countries and been invited to be an external examiner to schools all around the world on many occasions. Dr Sandler founded the Expectant Mothers clinic in 1980 and has lectured and published books and videos on the subject ever since. Apart from pregnancy, he sees adults and children for general musculoskeletal problems including pelvic pain and coccyx pain. He is registered with the General Osteopathic Council and is a member and past council member of the Institute of Osteopathy ( formerly the British Osteopathic Association). Stephen also holds honorary Memberships from the French, Canadian, and German osteopathic associations.

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