OGB - "Concentrate" [Official Video] (prod, One Shot Pictures)

Описание к видео OGB - "Concentrate" [Official Video] (prod, One Shot Pictures)

Published on 18 December 2019

OGB - "Concentrate" [Official Video]
(prod, One Shot Pictures)

Following his passion to inspire young learners to read beyond classroom books in Africa, OGB (Ogba Ikerie Ibe) uses his lyrics to speak to our soul.

  / ogb229  

Email: [email protected]


It's simple but not easy! X 2
If you no longer make efforts
to manifest your destiny,
This lyrics will activate
your sense of certainty.
As a man thinks become his realty.
Controll focus has a giant capacity.
Concentration of power
is mastering a single area of life
Control focus, make one area better.
Focus on where you want to go.
Do it now, not later.
Control focus is like a laser beam !
If you lose your sense of certainty,
You may lose the will to shape your destiny.
Give no room to negativities,
The feelings that make you think,
"My life doesn't matter.
The events of the world are controlling me".
Control focus like a laser beam,
cut through anything
that seems to be stopping you.
Even when you are struggling,
fustrated, feeling alone.
Be driven by singular, Compelling focus.
Never dabble your way through life.
Direct your focus,
Concentrate your power.
Decide to master one thing in particular.
It's simple but not easy! X 2
Reason why most people fail in life,
no focus on a particular thing.
They major in minor things.
Don't drift away !
Control focus night and day.
Your homework is to understand
what shapes human behaviour.
What makes you do what we do ?
Your answers is a map
to the land of breakthrough.
The power of "Why" is the power to ACHEIVE your dream.
"Whys" fortify beliefs !
Our Creator doesn't play favorite,
we've been created unique with equal right.
Drop "should" use "must" to raise your standard.
Focus consistently
on solutions.
I've written this lyrics
to Keep my sight straight ahead.
Losing control of focus
is a life of daily frustration.
If you submerge continually
in a negative state,
you will never fulfill
the promise of excellence.
Our Creator doesn't play favorite,
we've all been created unique
with equal right.
Drop "should" use "must" to raise your standard.
Focus consistently
on solutions.
It's simple but not easy! X 2
Listen to the heart of the matter
to catch the beat.
Quiet moments of reflection is all you need.
Your inner mind
will guide you like a magnet to steel.
If you know where you're going,
you know where you belong.
The decision of focus
gives you clarity.
The power of a single distinction
determines your destiny.
Lose sight of your center,
you lose your originality.
Make no mistake
the answers you seek is inside you.
Many jump in the river of life
with no decision on where to end up.
They get caught up in the current,
they merely go with the flow.
Until one day the sound of raging water awakens them,
but by then it's too late from Niagara falls.


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