The Old Sarum Hoax - LiDAR Investigation (HD)

Описание к видео The Old Sarum Hoax - LiDAR Investigation (HD)

This is the fourth video of the series of Videocast shorts 'Langdon Investigates' were Robert John Langdon looks at the ancient site of Old Sarum through the use of LiDAR.

Old sarum is classified as an 'Iron Age hillfort' - which sadly shows the 'car crash' that is archaeology today? For Old Sarum is in the middle of a river valley (not quite a hill!!) and has moats/ditches so round and shallow that it is counter-defensive if it was ever used - this is illustrated by The Normans and Roman's that only used the inner Ditch as a moat as the other ditch would be useless.

Langdon shows for the first time in history how this monument was built and its true function.


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