Shadow The Hedgehog - Who I Am [AMV/GMV]

Описание к видео Shadow The Hedgehog - Who I Am [AMV/GMV]

I started this project January 4 2013, so it has been a year since I started on this and just now I was able to finish it.

This was supposed to be his Birthday video but while I was working on it I lost all my motivation for it and many times I thought I would just have to cancel it and not make the full song. For I really, really lost my motivation. But no I wanted to finish this so sometimes I forced myself to keep working on it and it was just now that I found the motivation go be able to finish it, (Took me a year XD.)
But better late than never I guess? However when I began to work on it again I noticed that my style in video editing had changed so much and you can even see that change in this video if you're thinking about it. That's why I don't think this video fits since the style changes so much in the video.. but now I'm not going to do anything about that, I'm just gonna have to 'deal' with it haha.
Again about the song. From what I've heard this song was meant to be the main song for the game Shadow the hedgehog but was replaced with All of Me instead which I think was good. but I wished they would have kept the song in the soundtrack instead of removing it entirely. Because just listen on the text! It is meant for Shadow! I haven't seen so many people use it for Shadow the hedgehog perhaps since people didn't know about it's existence. So now maybe more people will know about the song. I seriously love this song and it was my top 1 song when I was a little younger. And I wanted to make a amv with it and now I did (Even if it didn't turn out as I wanted it to be)

Also again...Youtube messed up my video by making it darker than it really is... I just don't know why it does that but at least I used the setting enhancements to lighted up it a little here on youtube. But it's still pretty dark on some parts but I can't do more right now so hope it's alright with you, just letting you know why it's so dark!
Anyway I think I'm done. Hmm now I need to think of my next shadow amv for his Birthday perhaps =P got any good song suggestions just post a comment. I read all of my comments!

Also I want to give a special thanks to Lucariochu1 for helping me with some of the effects by teaching me. Another thanks to Ghostieshadow for the amazing support. And last AzunaizShield for giving me a boost to finish it.

Song: Who I Am
Artist: Magna-fi
Media: Sonic
Program: Sony Vegas Pro 10/11
Editor: Shadoukun


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