college move in vlog ft. mEnTaL bReAkDoWn (sophomore year)

Описание к видео college move in vlog ft. mEnTaL bReAkDoWn (sophomore year)

sEcOnD yEaR oF coLLeGe LeTs gO bAbY. I moved into my first apartment right by the penn state university campus. I unpacked, risked getting struck by lightning, and said bye to my fam. it was all fun and games until I had a lil mental breakdown. but tbh it was mostly fun.
previous video:    • school supplies shopping vlog & haul ...  
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fReQuEntLy aSkEd quEsTiOnS:
how old are you? 19
what grade are you in? college sophomore
what college do you go to? penn state wooOoOoo
what do you use to edit? final cut pro
will you marry me? jk no one asks this

disclaimer: I got very very very stressed while making this video and it kind of caught up to me at the end so I'm sorry for not continuing the video all the way through. moving in is a lot to handle emotion-wise, and as someone who sucks at those, it's rlly confusing lol. I decided not to live in the dorms for various reasons so I hope y'all don't mind that I was moving into an apartment instead. not sponsored.

yeet bye,
sydney ;)


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