How to fix a ‘Popped Rib’ - self joint mobilization techniques for irritated rib joints

Описание к видео How to fix a ‘Popped Rib’ - self joint mobilization techniques for irritated rib joints

What is a 'popped rib?'. A popped rib is slang for an irritated costovertebral or costotransverse joint. These joints are formed between your rib and thoracic spine and can be one cause of pain in the upper and mid back regions. The rib itself is not actually dislocated or require re-alignment, it just needs to be mobilized to restore normal levels of range of motion. In this respect, calling the injury a 'popped rib' is a misnomer but is commonly used regardless.

Irritated rib joints can occur for a number of reasons ranging from getting hit in contact sports, getting whiplash, weight lifting errors, or it can occur simply by sleeping in an awkward position for extended periods of time.

When this happens surrounding muscles can go into spasm as they attempt to protect the joint from excessive movement. Often the muscle spasm is an overreaction and they may require a massage to help alleviate associated muscle stiffness, tension, and aches. However, massage alone may not be enough to resolve the issue as the root cause of the injury is the joint and not the muscle.

The presence of tight upper back muscles can also cause some to self-misdiagnose the injury as a 'muscle knot'. A misdiagnosis can cause a delay in recovery as the incorrect treatment approach was used for the injury. This is why it is always recommended to consult your sports chiropractor or physiotherapist for a correct diagnosis.

Irritated rib joints typically respond well to joint mobilizations or manipulations. This video goes over 3 different rib joint mobilization exercises that can be used to reduce local pain, improve function and decrease stiffness.

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