Mastering student speaking skills: Planning and action strategies | TEFL webinar | ELT Masterclass

Описание к видео Mastering student speaking skills: Planning and action strategies | TEFL webinar | ELT Masterclass

How do I go about deciding at the planning stage how to develop my students’ speaking skills and what should I be doing at different stages of the lesson itself?

Presented by Neil Harris – Teacher Trainer & Director of Marketing@CELT Language School.

Sign up for the workshop here:

For many students, one of the main motivations for learning English is the ability to communicate with others, be it for study, work or travel. And for many of these purposes, speaking will be a major part of the interaction.

It is important therefore that we are clear as teachers how to make the most of speaking segments and speaking lessons so that our learners have the best opportunity to use English effectively, not just in the classroom but more importantly in real life, too.

That is what this session is all about, setting you and your learners up for success and clarifying what to do at the beginning, during the middle and at the end of each speaking session.

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