My First Set of Dreads -- Year 1 Timeline

Описание к видео My First Set of Dreads -- Year 1 Timeline

I had this first set of dreads for about 3 years. I put them in using twist and rip, then let them free-form until about 10 months. At that point I tried crocheting them to neaten them up a little, but hated how "tidy" they looked. Never did it again. I decided I liked the wild look better!

Over the course of 3 years we went through extensions, bleaching, coloring, etc. Everything you could imagine. I eventually took them out in the fall of 2017 because I was having neck and shoulder pain. I wasn't sure if it was from the weight of the dreads, or just general pain from my chronic illnesses. The only way to know was to take them out and see. Unfortunately the pain continued, so it wasn't from my dreads -- and I started them over again in the spring of 2018. But that's a story for another video!

This video details the first year of changes on my first set of dreads. After one year, they didn't change much, but they went through a lot in that initial 12 months!


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