Bodily Exploration in Virtual Reality | Zeynep Akbal | TEDxHUBerlin

Описание к видео Bodily Exploration in Virtual Reality | Zeynep Akbal | TEDxHUBerlin

How can we use virtual reality technologies as a medium to explore bodily perception? As we tend
to perceive our own bodies we are confronted with several ambiguities; visually, sensationally and philosophically. Can VR as a medium assist us to confront and understand such ambiguities and raise different questions concerning the mind-body debate? Zeynep Akbal is a PhD candidate in Media Philosophy at Philosophy Faculty, Potsdam University. In her philosophically motivated and clinically relevant research, she explores the possible consequences of an alignment with the virtual body in virtual reality (VR). She aims to raise relevant philosophical questions related to phenomenology of body based on collected empirical data. She has been teaching at Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Humboldt University and at EMW, Potsdam University(Bodily Perception in Virtual Reality: Exploring the body
as an object). She has worked closely with BeAnotherLab and is an associate member of BeAnotherLab Berlin node. She has been giving workshops in which she explored the different effects of body swap setups in VR. Currently she is working as a collaborator at The MindBrainBody Institute (MBBI) which situated at the Berlin School of Mind and Brain,Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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