The Forbidden Gospel Where Jesus Kills People

Описание к видео The Forbidden Gospel Where Jesus Kills People

The Infancy Gospel of Thomas fills in the gaps of the life of Jesus found in the canonical New Testament gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Here, the child Jesus makes living birds from clay, curses people, performs miracles, smites and embarrasses his teachers, and confounds those who know him. This was a popular non-canonical gospel, being depicted in ancient Christian art of many forms. While not recently discovered, such as the books of the Nag Hammadi library, this gospel was considered heretical in the minds of many church fathers across time.

Videos mentioned:

Religion for Breakfast’s “The Infancy Gospel of Thomas Explained:
   • The Infancy Gospel of Thomas Explained  

3 Ancient Questions About Jesus That You've Never Considered:    • 3 Ancient Questions About Jesus That ...  

If you liked this video, check out my video on the gnostic Gospel of Judas:    • A Wild Story From a Gospel Excluded f...  


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