【ReDebut Stream】Blythe Style

Описание к видео 【ReDebut Stream】Blythe Style

I am so happy for you all to join in on my Re-Debut!!
Hello eveyrone! I am excited to meet you! I am excited to bring you some hopefully funny, quirky company. Come join us for a while we have jokes, jump scares, and genuine conversation.
If you enjoyed your time with us, please Like, Subscribe, or even throw a few dollars my way.
I look forward to hanging out~

Dontation Link

Before we get into it, we have a few rules in Sunrise Galaxia:
We have a few rules for chat members to abide by in order for everyone to fully enjoy;

1. Don't mention the names of other streamers unless they are brought up
2. Don't fight or argue with others in chat
3. Don’t spam or harass the streamer in any way
4. Don't chat about stuff irrelevant to the stream
Music from: Cherry Soda BGM    • 【30分耐久フリーBGM】cherry soda - 茶葉のぎか  
Backgrounds from Booth: https://booth.pm/en/items/4724686
#vtuber #envtuber #Debut #redebut


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