Best Books For CAT Preparation | Free Resources & Material For MBA Preparation

Описание к видео Best Books For CAT Preparation | Free Resources & Material For MBA Preparation

Books and resources are critical for an aspirant's preparation for the CAT Exam. We've been receiving numerous queries from students looking for 'Best Books For CAT Exam' 'Arun Sharma Books' 'CAT Exam Preparation Material' 'Free CAT Exam Preparation Material' 'MBA Books' and more.

So in conversation with Oshin Sharma today, we have 3 CAT Exam Toppers to answer these questions for you!

Harshita Arora,
CAT 99.59 Percentile
Debansu Mukhopadhyay,
CAT 99.00 Percentile
Rajat Tewari,
CAT 98.37 Percentile

We'll ask them 4 questions broadly in the first 30 minutes. We will open the floor for live questions in the next 30 minutes. The conversation will revolve around:

1.What books at large do you recommend for CAT Exam Preparation? What are the best books for CAT exam?
2.What books should someone use if they’re not good or weak at Quant (QA) or Verbal (VA) or LRDI. Are the books you mentioned above enough for a section-wise improvement?
3.Apart from books, what free resources do you recommend for CAT exam preparation?
4.How to prepare from a book - solve it cover to cover, prioritize certain topics? What to do when you can’t think of a solution to a question or you've gotten it wrong?

Feel free to ask your live questions pertaining to the topic in the live chat.

Elevate your CAT Preparation with these super essential tools created by team InsideIIM:

InsideIIM's Personalised CAT Study Planner -
InsideIIM's AI-driven Profile Evaluation Tool -
InsideIIM's CAT 2021 Roadmap Series -

Here are things you must know:
15 Must-Read Books For CAT Preparation:
CAT Previous Year Question Papers:

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