The evolution of JavaScript, with Luca Casonato & Nicolò Ribaudo - RomaJS Meetup

Описание к видео The evolution of JavaScript, with Luca Casonato & Nicolò Ribaudo - RomaJS Meetup

Questo mese parleremo di TC39 & ECMAScript con due special guests che lavorano a stretto contatto con gli standard:

The evolution of JavaScript: from the proposal to the implementation

Do you ever wonder how JavaScript evolves and how new features gets added? Which specifications define how it works, and which features are available everywhere?

We'll explore how TC39 (the committee that designs ECMAScript) works, how it is related to other standard venues, and how to participate and contribute to the language evolution. We'll conclude with taking a look at the upcoming interesting language additions, to be prepared for what's coming in the next few years.

Speakers: Luca Casonato & Nicolò Ribaudo

Il talk sarà in lingua ingelese


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