OceanOne A Humanoid Diver Bot

Описание к видео OceanOne A Humanoid Diver Bot

OceanOne: A Humanoid Diver Bot | Three Tea Trees

⁄⁄ W H A T I N T H I S V I D E O
The Stanford research team's humanoid diving robot, OceanOne, begins its exploration of the La Lune shipwreck. The robot dives to the bottom of the ocean and Begins to explore the wreck. As OceanOne dives deeper and deeper, it becomes difficult for the robot to breathe due to the water pressure at such depths. However, OceanOne continues to explore the wreck and collects data about it.

The Stanford research team was excited as they completed their final test run of the OceanOne humanoid diving robot. The machine had successfully completed its mission of exploring the wreck of the La Lune shipwreck, one of France's most historic and well-preserved shipwrecks."We're really glad we were able to use OceanOne for this trial," said Professor Gunther Verheyden, head of the Stanford ocean exploration research project. "It's amazing how much easier it is for us to collect samples at this location using the robot instead of risking our lives diving down with human divers."Verheyden and his team were confident that with continued refinement, OceanOne could eventually be used to replace humans for longer underwater dives, making it possible to explore more inaccessible places and learn more about our planet's history.

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OceanOne - Humanoid Diving Robot

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OceanOne: A Humanoid Diver Bot
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