A Pokemon Used Rage Fist 20 Times. This is What Happened to His Organs...

Описание к видео A Pokemon Used Rage Fist 20 Times. This is What Happened to His Organs...

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Did you know Primeape DIES when it evolves? How does it die though? What does Rage Fist do to it medically speaking? And just what is Annihilape supposed to be?

Inspired by the video style of @chubbyemu

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Additional Credits:
Lockstin Austin Lockwood
Fineapple Ryan Porter

Thumbnail art by: https://www.threads.net/vergolophus

Herrero N, Gadea M, Rodríguez-Alarcón G, Espert R, Salvador A. What happens when we get angry? Hormonal, cardiovascular and asymmetrical brain responses. Horm Behav. 2010 Mar;57(3):276-83. doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2009.12.008. Epub 2010 Jan 4. PMID: 20045413.

#pokemon #pokemonscarletandviolet #medical

Questions this video aims to answer:
What is Mankey based on?
What is Primeape based on?
What is Annihilape based on?
What are Annihilapes origins?
Annihilape Lore? is there any?
How to Evolve Primeape
How to get Annihilape

00:00 Primeape Used Rage Fist 20 times
07:07 This is what happened to its Body
11:47 Stay safe with SHEATH!
Gnoggin, hosted by its creator Lockstin, is a show delving into the mysteries of Pokemon! (and other games sometimes too). Explaining everything there is to explain! Why is each Pokemon given the type it has? What are their origins? What is the lore of the Pokemon world and the design inspirations? And what does it all have to do with alchemy? Let's Go find out!


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