Diablo 4 Season 5 PTR Hybrid Sorcerer Pit 115

Описание к видео Diablo 4 Season 5 PTR Hybrid Sorcerer Pit 115

There's something going on with the way this Axial Conduit functions. It seems to proc more frequently if you don't spam abilities, even if you have the mana regen for it. So just gotta cast a few times then run in circles, repeat. In conjuction with the new helmet crown of lucion (this helm does more dps than shako) the CL explosions do a range between 100-800M (depending on if vyrs procs with it along with other conditionals).

CL in of itself does pathetic dmg, the only dmg we are really doing is the pants procs, and glacial aspect. (the real dmg is just from the pants proccing).

paragon board inspiration from arcuied s4


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