Using YouTube Videos in OBS

Описание к видео Using YouTube Videos in OBS

Use YouTube Videos in OBS.

Today we will look at how we can use YouTube videos in OBS.

YouTube Provides a way to embed videos. This can be leveraged in OBS using the Browser Plugin.

To embed a video you need the VIDEOID. This can be found when you share a video.
The base URL looks like

1. Get the URL

a. Find your video and select 'Share' then 'Embed'
b. Copy the embed code to a text editor and copy out the source section.

2. Add parameters
###autostart=1 --- This will automatically start your video
autoplay=1 --- This will automatically start your video
controls=0 --- This will hide the controls so it will fill the size of the control.
Your URL should look like this ...

3. Goto OBS and add a new Browser Source for this URL.
a. Add the URL
b. Check the box that says 'Reload on active." This will restart the video each time the control is active.
c. Check the box 'Stop when browser is hidden' This will stop the playback of the video.

Remember, not all videos can be emeded and make sure you have the right to reuse the videos concerned.

#obs #youtube #live

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