Parental Rights | Walidain Ke Haqooq | Podcast With Muhammad Ali & Ali Abbass

Описание к видео Parental Rights | Walidain Ke Haqooq | Podcast With Muhammad Ali & Ali Abbass

#islamicwisdom #podcast #muhammadali #aliabbass
Podcast Host : Muhammad Ali
Guest : Ali Abbass
Title: Walidain Ke Haqooq - Parental Rights in Islam

Description: There is a special provision within the religion of Islam regarding the rights of the parents Walidain while within the religion. There is a great explanation of the Aqeedah which is aimed at honoring “Walidain Ke Haqooq” (the Rights of Parents)” and how Islam encourages the love and care for one’s parents. We expand upon the endless links contained in the Quran and the Hadith with regards to the obligations of children to their parents and the rewards of abiding to such obligations.

We will also think about the issues of taking care and providing for one’s parents, however difficult the circumstances may be, and how these efforts reconnect us with Allah’s mercy and grace.

Topics Covered:
Quranic verses and Ahadith in reference to parent’s rights including rights to obedience to parents from their children.

Benefits of showing respect, love, and even obeying ones’ parent, when deserved.

The challenges raised by modernism concerning the responsibility of children towards their parents.

The great benefits and blessings associated with the respect and care given to one’s parents, in this life and the hereafter.

We invite you to appreciate the necessity of providing care and respect to our parents, narrating the illuminating messages from Islam. Remember about channel ‘Islamic Wisdom’ and press like and share buttons, also subscribe to our channel for more Islamic Wisdom.


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