Straight Up Kola ( F/A-18C Hornet). Full 4K Ultra HD, Max Graphics, RTX4090

Описание к видео Straight Up Kola ( F/A-18C Hornet). Full 4K Ultra HD, Max Graphics, RTX4090

Just straight up Kola to get you all ready for the ORBX Kola Map Giveaway! Today we take the F/A-18C Hornet up and show off this beautiful map! Fly low into majestic Fjords and some of the awesome looking mountains surrounding some of these airports! This flight I stick around the Bodo area and then fly a little north of Bodo. If you want a look at some of the other areas and the winter textures, check out some of the other videos I have posted. There’s quite a lot of footage with this map. It’ll give you a good idea of what ORBX Systems has been up to and what their giveaway is all about! This would be a fantastic addition to anyones DCS World map collection, unless you already own it! Enjoy and please Like and Subscribe! You don’t wan’t to be on the Colonels sh*& list or ahh bird poop list!!😂

Links to ORBX Giveaway:

I'm a USCG veteran & Electronic Engineer who loves aviation & Eagle Dynamics Digital Combat Simulator or DCS. I fly laying down in bed due to intense pain fm metal rods & screws in my spine. The head tracking & VR are tuned EXTREMELY sensitive to help me see without having to turn my head much. This shows up on my videos with excess head movement fm side to side & more head movement than normal. I apologize for this since I know it can be hard to watch at times. I am a private pilot & try to use my training when I can! I love flying in VR & believe this is the future for simulators. My videos are for entertainment purposes & NOT instructional! I am Not an expert & this is ONLY a Hobby for me.

PC Specs and equipment:
MPG Velox by MSI Gaming Desktop
Intel 24-Core i9-13900KF Processor
128GB RAM Corsair VENGEANCE RGB PRO 128GB (4x32GB)

VIRPIL VPC MongoosT-50CM3 Throttle
VIRPIL VPC Constellation ALPHA Prime

Meta Quest 3 VR Headset
MP Reverb 2 VR Headset
Pimax Crystal VR Headset

#DCS, #F16, #GBUDrops, #AirKills, #GroundKills, #SDCSServer, #VarjoAero, #VRFlight, #DCSWorld,
#FlightSim, #VirtualReality, #PrecisionStrike, #F16Pilot, #CombatMission, #DCSMultiplayer, #FlightSimulation, #VRGaming, #DCSVR, #AirToAirCombat, #AirToGroundCombat,
#DCSAviation, #FighterJet, #VRWarfare, #DCSGameplay, #DigitalCombatSimulator, #F16Fighter, #VirtualPilot, #MilitarySim, #FlightSimCommunity, #DCSCombat,
#VRExperience, #MissionSuccess, #VarjoAeroVR,
#F16VR, #DCSOnline, #MultiroleFighter, #AerialEngagement, #TacticalCombat, #RealisticFlightSim, #AirStrike, #FlightSimImmersion"


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