Alice Madness Returns / Chapter 1 - Hatter's Domain

Описание к видео Alice Madness Returns / Chapter 1 - Hatter's Domain

(This is a 60 FPS Reupload of the original.)

The first chapter of Alice Madness Returns (2011). I tried to get every collectible from memory but there's a good chance I forgot a few, so don't take this as an 100% guide. For some reason some cutscenes lagged the game, notably anything with Doormouse and the hallucination with the Jabberwocks nears the beginning before entering Wonderland. This problem seemingly doesn't occur anywhere else in the game when I played through it myself from what I can remember. Finally, the audio wigged out during the Vorpal Blade Cutscene. I think OBS might have janked it up since it sounded fine for me during gameplay, though I did reduce the volume of the cutscene in editing since the sound is pretty ear grating.


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