Kassikakk::Bubo bubo

Описание к видео Kassikakk::Bubo bubo

Live Eagle owl nest camera in Estonia.
Forum 2024 in English: https://www.looduskalender.ee/forum/v...

The Eagle owl nest camera is situated in Northern Estonia. We’re following this nest with a camera for third year in row. Usually the female lays 2-3, rarely 4 white eggs, in late March - early April and the chicks hatch in late April or early May.

In 2022 the Eagle owls don't nest in front of the camera. They only visited nest platform, but eggs were laid in other nest. No chicks hatched.
In 2023 camera was installed in January, nest was visited by adults like year before, but eggs laid in front of cam (March 23, 26 and 30). All chicks hatched and left nest, but perished later.
In 2024 cam active since beginning of the year, the pair seems to be the same.
Following events are described in forum (first page):
Kassikaku pesakaamera
Lisateavet leiate siit: https://www.kotkas.ee/uudised/kassika...
Foorum 2024 (inglise keeles):

Kassikaku pesakaamera asub Põhja-Eestis. Pesapaika paigaldasime kaamera kolmandat aastat järjest. Tänavu võis kassikakke kuulda ja näha pesa juures läbi talve, eelkõige sula ilmaga. Enamasti muneb emalind 2-3, harva ka 4 valget muna märtsi lõpus - aprilli algul ning pojad kooruvad aprilli lõpus - mai algul.
Mullu 2023 munes emalind kolm muna (23., 26 ja 30 märtsil) ja nest koorus kolm poega, kes ka pesast välja lendasid.
20024 on kaamera töös aasta algusest.
Täpsemalt saab lugeda inglise keelse foorumi avalehelt: https://www.looduskalender.ee/forum/v...
Koha peal hoiab pesapaigal silma peal ja teeb vajadusel hooldustöid inspektor Randar.


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