Описание к видео IUPAC VIDEO 16 : ESTER IUPAC.

Title: IUPAC Naming of Esters with Bond Line Formulas

🌟 Organic Chemistry Made Easy 🌟

This video covers the IUPAC naming rules for esters using bond line formulas, an important topic in organic chemistry:

1. IUPAC Naming of Esters with Bond Line Formulas – Learn how to accurately name esters following IUPAC conventions, with a focus on interpreting bond line structures.
2. Practice Questions – Test your knowledge by solving the questions provided at the end of the video to solidify your understanding.

👉 Ideal for Class xi , D.Pharm (1st-year Pharmaceutical Chemistry) , Diploma and B.Pharm students , and anyone preparing for GPAT or exit exams . Strengthen your organic chemistry fundamentals with this helpful tutorial!

📚 Watch Now to excel in IUPAC naming for esters and boost your exam readiness!

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