Turning down the thermostat: Climate intervention using stratospheric aerosols

Описание к видео Turning down the thermostat: Climate intervention using stratospheric aerosols

Earth’s global mean temperature has been steadily increasing over the last 60 years. These changes have been associated with increases in extreme weather events, such as heat-waves, floods and droughts. Mitigation of emissions is the best way to limit the effects of human-induced climate change, but may not occur fast enough to avoid much more serious impacts than those felt already. In this Explorer Series talk, scientists Dr. Jadwiga Richter and Dr. Douglas MacMartin present the latest research findings of modeling studies of risks and benefits of climate intervention utilizing stratospheric aerosols, a method analogous to the cooling produced by large volcanic eruptions.

Learn more about the NCAR Explorer Series: https://edec.ucar.edu/public/ncar-exp...


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