RE/GENERATION | Young artists of Uzbekistan First art exhibition

Описание к видео RE/GENERATION | Young artists of Uzbekistan First art exhibition

Re/Generation ijodiy yoshlar festivali poytaxtda ochildi. 6000 kvadrat metr maydondagi Anhor parkning karting-arenasida 700 dan ortiq san'at obyektlari joylashgan: rasm va fotosuratlardan installyatsiyalar va video artgacha.

Tashabbus Islom Karimov nomidagi jamg'armaga tegishli bo'lib, uning faoliyati O'zbekiston milliy zamonaviy san'at maktabini rivojlantirish va birlashtirishni o'z ichiga oladi. Loyihani amalga oshirishni Respublika jamoat bolalar jamg'armasi Sen yolg'iz Emassan (Sen yolg'iz emassan) qo'llab-quvvatladi.

Re / Generation Creative Youth Festival opened in the capital. The 6,000-square-foot karting arena of Anhor park houses more than 700 art objects: from paintings and photographs to installations and video art.

The initiative belongs to the Islam Karimov Foundation, whose activities include the development and unification of the National School of Modern Art of Uzbekistan. The implementation of the project was supported by the Republican Public children's fund-you are not alone (you are not alone).


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