S. Korea recalls Japan-made BCG vaccines as precaution

Описание к видео S. Korea recalls Japan-made BCG vaccines as precaution

'비소 BCG백신' 회수되기까지 3개월…'왜 몰랐나' 의문

The South Korean government announced a recall of Japan-manufactured tuberculosis vaccines for newborns this week... after a toxic substance was detected.
Looking to ease public concerns,... Seoul's health ministry is assuring young parents that the level of toxic concentration is extremely low... and the recall is just a precaution.
Choi Si-young tells us more.

South Korea's Ministry of Food and Drug Safety says the Japan-manufactured Bacillus Calmette-Guerin or BCG vaccines could contain up to zero-point-two-six parts per million of arsenic,... one 38th of the maximum amount allowed per day.
In August, Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare only stopped distribution of new vaccines after it received a report that showed arsenic concentration in the vaccine's physiological saline.
But it didn't immediately announce the decision because it found the concentration level so small and thought it wasn't enough to cause harm.
The Korea Vaccine Corporation that imported the vaccines said it was only notified of the toxic concentration by Japan last month.

According to Japan's Kyodo News Agency, the Japan Medical Association held a press conference on Thursday,...denouncing the Japanese government's late announcement.
Consumers in South Korea have joined the chorus of criticism.
While health ministries in both countries are trying to play down the health risks to newborns,... parents in South Korea remain extremely concerned despite the government's recall,.. wondering if other vaccines might be affected as well.
Choi Si-young, Arirang News.

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