Take an exclusive look inside the “Arctic Warriors” US Army training camp

Описание к видео Take an exclusive look inside the “Arctic Warriors” US Army training camp

The US Army is currently training “Arctic warriors” in one of the most remote corners of America. But what are they preparing for?

To find out, Bloomberg Opinion’s Liam Denning and photographer Louie Palu spent 5 days with the 11th Airborne Division as they learn how to ski, shoot and survive in the Arctic.

At -35F in 25 mph winds, your face can get frostbite in 4 minutes. That danger, plus sheer emptiness and lack of infrastructure in a state bigger than most countries, makes conventional Arctic warfare seem unimaginable.

But infiltration, sabotage and special ops are real possibilities. Alaska was a Cold War frontline, but it became a backwater after 9/11. Now the US has been spooked by Russian and Chinese moves, all given more urgency by a faraway war in Ukraine.

There are big advantages to enhancing the US Army's presence in the Arctic.

Read the in-depth report: https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/20...


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