Witcher 3 Sujiren's Conductors of Magic Endgame Signs Build! OP Igni/Quen/Yrden Build

Описание к видео Witcher 3 Sujiren's Conductors of Magic Endgame Signs Build! OP Igni/Quen/Yrden Build

Sujiren's Conductors of Magic build

A little while ago a Reddit user named Sujiren posted an endgame NG+ sign build using Conductors of Magic.  I had always thought Conductors was a pretty underwhelming mutation because it only added 50% of your sword damage as direct sign damage, but what I'd missed was that your Sign intensity then increases this base damage as well!

The real way to use this mutation is as a glass cannon, maxed Sign tree build.  Sujiren's post was very thorough, and it's his build so I'll just link it here for the full information - give it a read!


The video opens with the build exactly as Sujiren's post describes it, and you can see it's very effective.  I then move on to cover some other options to try:

The Superior Blizzard potion is an excellent addition if your toxicity has died down a bit, particularly if it is after 6pm so Superior Tawny Owl Potion will last all evening (until 6am).

Skill Switching or Acquired Tolerance can be used to let you apply the Ancient Leshen decoction, Foglet Decoction, or others like the Water Hag, Arachas or Archgriffin decoctions  Potions is a big loss when usingnSkill Switching, and AT costs a valuable slot as Sujiren says in his post (if using AT without Skill Switching)

I would very STRONGLY consider using the 4th slot glitch to put Synergy there and free up another slot on the outside.  In my opinion, Conductors of Magic should be one of the last mutations like Second Life and Metaphorsis, and should allow any skill colours in the Strengthened Synapses slots anyway.

Focus is an option instead of a blue skill; you'd lose 15% from not having a blue skill to boost a Greater Blue Mutagen, but gain up to 30% (10% per adrenaline point) in combat so it can be a net gain of up to 15% Sign intensity.

You could also use Acquired Tolerance to allow more decoction and Potion use, which is fun.  You could also use Protective Coating, which is supremely useful (as always).

My personal favourite skill to use in the ‘extra’ slot (available from putting Synergy in the 4th Strengthened Synapses slot) is Delayed Recovery or Fast Metabolism.  Either of these allows you to use any potions all at once in any given battle. Superior Maribor Forest, Tawny Owl, Blizzard, Swallow, Thunderbolt, Full Moon, Black blood and Petri Philter all at once?  Hell yes!

I hope that you enjoyed the video and enjoyed Sujiren's build as much as I did.

Last quick note - I am not taking requests or going to be doing any builds on request or things liked that.  I just felt like doing this one, so please bear that in mind 🙂

All credit for Sujiren for this one, and for giving me permission to make a video of his cool build!

As always please comment or ask questions if you wish, and please like and subscribe if you enjoy the content, to help my channel grow 👍


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