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According to this, non-EU citizens are admitted to Italy, from January 2022, within a maximum quota of 69,700 units. The quotas will be divided between the regions and the autonomous provinces, by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies.
According to this, non-EU citizens are admitted to Italy, from January 2022, within a maximum quota of 69,700 units. The quotas will be divided between the regions and the autonomous provinces, by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies. With a special circular from the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies to the National Labor Inspectorate, indications will be given on the investigation of these requests.
Out of the maximum quota of 69,700, non-EU citizens within a quota of 42,000 are admitted in Italy for seasonal subordinate work in the agricultural and tourism-hotel sectors. Furthermore, within the same quota for seasonal subordinate work, for the agricultural sector alone, a quota of 14,000 units is reserved for non-EU workers, whose applications for authorization are presented, in the name and on behalf of the employers, by the following professional employer organizations: Cia – Coldiretti – Confagricoltura – Copagri – Alliance of cooperatives (includes Lega cooperative and Confcooperative).
The text of the decree, discussed on 23 December 2021 in the Council of Ministers, provides for the entry of 70 thousand workers, more than double the figure provided for in the latest similar decrees. However, the door remains open for an additional measure, so as to increase the number of workers. A quota is foreseen for the entrances of seasonal workers in the agricultural and tourism-hotel sectors; another share is reserved for the self-employed.Decreto Flussi 2022 opening dates
9:00 am on January 27, 2022 for the hiring of non-seasonal workers, for self-employed workers and for conversionsDecreto Flussi 2022 opening dates
2022 Italy work permit applications can be sent starting from:
9:00 am on January 27, 2022 for the hiring of non-seasonal workers, for self-employed workers and for conversions.
9:00 am on 1 February 2022 for the hiring of seasonal workers.
Applications can be submitted until March 17, 2022 and will be processed by the immigration office chronologically in the order in which they were received.
This means that you must start the visa application process as soon as possible since most quotas fill up within a few days of opening.
Any applications arriving after the quota is filled, or which are completed with errors, are rejected, and you can't apply again in the same year.
As a non-EEA citizen, you need three main documents to live and work in Italy:
a work permit (nulla osta),
a work visa (visto) – must be done before you leave for Italy.
a residence permit (permesso di soggiorno) – within 8 days of arriving in Italy.
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#Italy visit visa
#visa Channel info
#How to apply for Shengian visa
#How to apply for Decreto Flossi 2022
#Italy work permit process
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