Building Block Model Simplified | ACCA PM | Question 'One Stop Car' (OSC)

Описание к видео Building Block Model Simplified | ACCA PM | Question 'One Stop Car' (OSC)

🚀 Get all my PM Videos here: 🚀Learn how to use the Building Block Model in ACCA PM, and get pass your exam. In this video I'll explain what the Building Block Model is all about, then we'll solve question One Stop Car (OSC) from the Dec. 2018 exam. Pick up lots of exam technique tips and advice in this video. Good luck on your upcoming PM exam!
Here's the link to the question:
Here's the link to my solution:
Steve Willis ACCA
How to Pass ACCA Exams
Table of Contents:
00:00 - Introduction
00:51 - Building Block Model Explained
01:02 - Balanced Scorecard Review
01:29 - Balance Financial and Non-financial Metrics
02:09 - Building block model Explained
02:38 - Dimensions
03:00 - Financial
03:14 - Competitiveness
03:33 - Innovation & Quality
03:47 - Resource Utilisation
04:02 - Flexibility of Service
04:36 - Results - Downstream
04:46 - Determinants - Upstream
05:14 - Exam Tip
05:26 - Standards
05:58 - Fair
06:24 - Achievable
06:34 - Ownership
07:06 - Rewards
07:19 - Motivating
07:32 - Controllable
07:42 - Clarity
08:03 - Exam Technique
08:19 - Question OSC Dec 18
09:10 - Read the Requirements
10:52 - Read the scenario
12:53 - Use a table
13:11 - Set up Columns
13:46 - Set up Rows as Dimensions
14:30 - Next step: Select metrics
16:30 - Next step: Justify metrics
17:44 - Next Step: Calculations
18:20 - How to round off
19:05 - Next step: Discuss results
20:02 - Say how or why something happened
21:42 - Completed answer
21:54 - Exam technique recap
22:40 - Part B
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