The Eucharist in Aramaic (Maronite Liturgy)

Описание к видео The Eucharist in Aramaic (Maronite Liturgy)

The Eucharist in the Maronite mass is always chanted in Aramaic, regardless of what the mass language is (Aramaic, Arabic, French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, etc.).
Below is the English translation:

On the day before his life-giving passion,
Jesus took bread in his holy hands.
He blessed,
and gave it to his disciples saying:
Take and eat it, all of you:
This is my body
which is broken and delivered for you and for many,
for the forgiveness of sins and eternal life. Amen

Likewise he blessed the cup of wine mixed with water,
and gave it to his disciples, saying:
Take and drink from it, all of you:
This is my blood of the new covenant,
which is shed and handed over for you and for many,
for the forgiveness of sins and eternal life. Amen

Below is the transliteration in Latin alphabet with English accent. Remember, some letters in Aramaic have no equivalent in English or Latin. I hope it will help people who asked for it.

Beyamo haw daqdom hasho deeleh maabed haaye, Nsab l lahmo bedaw qadishoto, wbarech wqadesh qso wyab ltalmedaw qad omar: "Sab akool meneh qolkoon, Hono deneetaw FAGRO deel, dahlofaykoon wa hlof sagueye meteqsee w metiheb, lhoosoyo dhawbee walhayee dalolam olmeen. Amen

Hokano al kosso damzeg wo men hamro wmen mayo, barech wqadesh wyab ltalmedaw qad omar: "Sab eshtaw meneh qoolkoon, Hono den Etaw DMO deel, deyateqee hdato dahlofaykoon wahlof sagueyee meteshed wmeteheb, lhoosoyo dhawbee walhayee dalolam olmeen. Amen


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