Welcome to Digital Advocacy! (Digital Advocacy - A Free Training for Social Workers & Advocates)

Описание к видео Welcome to Digital Advocacy! (Digital Advocacy - A Free Training for Social Workers & Advocates)

The popular image of an activist is superhuman, someone who is in the streets one day, and the capital the next, constantly speaking truth to power. This is a very intimidating image.
Fortunately, it does not take a superhuman to make a difference, you simply need the right set of tools. At SPEAK, we are committed to giving you the tools you need to feel effective as an ally and an advocate. We’ve demystified the digital environment to pull out the tools and practices you need to begin your advocacy journey with our Digital Advocacy Training!

Digital Advocacy is a FREE training that will help you use the digital space to your advantage.
In this course, you will create a personal advocacy plan to guide you on your journey. The course also teaches you about four essential digital advocacy activities that will amplify your advocacy efforts! Start Your Journey Now!

Access the Digital Advocacy Personal Advocacy Plan here: https://cdn.web.uta.edu/-/media/proje...

You can find all 6 sections of this training in the Digital Advocacy Training Playlist!    • Digital Advocacy Training  

Or jump to a specific section using the links below:
Beginning Your Advocacy Journey    • Beginning Your Advocacy Journey (Digi...  
Reading & Sharing the News    • Reading & Sharing News (Digital Advoc...  
Emailing Your Elected Officials    • Emailing Your Elected Officials (Digi...  
Making an Impact Through Social Media    • Making Impact Through Social Media (D...  
Joining Online Advocacy Groups    • Joining Online Advocacy Groups (Digit...  

SPEAK's mission is to amplify the voices of social workers in politics and social policy by providing resources, increasing students' political engagement and facilitating networking opportunities. SPEAK would like to gratefully acknowledge the generous support of the Simmons Sister Fund at Texas Women's Foundation.

To learn more about the SPEAK project, check out this playlist:    • SPEAK (Social Policy Education, Advoc...  

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