Unbelievable Agate Specimens & Spheres at The Highland Park Lapidary Company

Описание к видео Unbelievable Agate Specimens & Spheres at The Highland Park Lapidary Company

In this video, it's PART 2 of mine and Terry's visit to the Highland Park Lapidary Company Warehouse in Whitinsville, Massachusetts to visit the Rowland Brothers, John & Sherman Rowland to see what's new to the warehouse in 2024. We got to see the whole operation from rough rock shipments, specimens, equipment and live stream setups. The specimens we saw were AMAZING! Lots of great things going on at Highland Park Lapidary! Come along with us!

T H E H I G H L A N D P A R K L A P I D A R Y C O M P A N Y *
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Register for the Highland Park Lapidary live stream rock sale events here:
Register for the Highland Park Lapidary live stream sphere sale events here:

*A L L T H E R O C K H O U N D I N G L I F E L I N K S *

E M A I L *
[email protected]

E T S Y S T O R E *

P L E A S E H E L P S U P P O R T O U R C H A N N E L *
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C H E C K O U T O U R O T H E R R O C K H O U N D I N G & L A P I D A R Y A D V E N T U R E S *

H I - T E C H D I A M O N D *
Use 10% Discount Code: RHLIFE

A M A Z I N G R O C K H O U N D I N G & L A P I D A R Y C H A N N E L S *
@Marlaina Atkins
@Montana Rock Mom
@Michigan Rocks
@KatyDid ROCKS!
@Theo Kellison
@Agate Dad
@World of Rock Hounds
@Elley Knows Rocks
@Ozone Fine Art-Ventures

M U S I C A L C R E D I T S * (in order of appearance)

Song: Jolly Old St. Nicholas
Musician: E's Jammy Jams

#rockhounding #lapidary #highlandparklapidary


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