Live | 9-1-24 Sun AM

Описание к видео Live | 9-1-24 Sun AM

A recording of the performance has been uploaded to our YouTube channel. This will be useful to you if the livestream had buffering or connection issues.
Here is the link to the recorded sermon:    • 9-1-24 Sun AM | Urshan United Concert...  

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Send us an email ([email protected]), and we’ll try to help you.

Wondering what features our YouTube channel has?
On our channel page, you will see many different tabs. The “videos” tab showcases our most recent sermon audios. The “live” tab showcases our upcoming and most recent livestreams. The “playlists” tab showcases our playlists, where specific videos are collected into one location. Finally, our “community” or “posts” tab showcases our most recent bulletin and any service cancellation notices.

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Want to join us for services?
Pentecostal Assembly Church is located at 9 Ninth Avenue in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Feel free to join us!

Facebook:   / pentecostalassemblychurch  

0:00 Pre-stream
8:59 Announcement Video
11:36 Announcements, Giving, and Introduction
23:00 Worship
1:21:39 Altar Call

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