Productive Homeschool Mom Day in the Life | Weekend Reset | Our Blessed Life

Описание к видео Productive Homeschool Mom Day in the Life | Weekend Reset | Our Blessed Life

Today's video is a productive homeschool mom day in the life where I am doing a weekend reset to prepare for the following week of homeschooling.

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♡ Our goal with this channel is to create AWARENESS FOR ADOPTION and a RARE GENETIC CONDITION (SETD5) as we give you a glimpse into our lives each week.

CHINA ADOPTION Playlist:    • China Adoption  

More About SETD5:    • Living with SETD5/Rare Genetic Syndrome  

♡ Can we PRAY for you this week? Let us know in the comments below or on Instagram   /  

♡ My other HOMESCHOOLING videos:
Complete HOMESCHOOL Playlist:    • Homeschooling  

HOMESCHOOLING IN HIGH SCHOOL SERIES:    • Homeschooling in High School Series  

HOMESCHOOL ROOM DECLUTTER & TOUR:    • Extreme Declutter Homeschool Room | D...  

How to HOMESCHOOL IN SOUTH CAROLINA:    • Homeschooling In South Carolina | How...  

♡ Get to know us!
Our Blessed Life Channel Trailer:    • * New * Our Blessed Life Channel Trai...  

Day in the Life/Family Vlog Playlist:    • Day in the Life Videos  

Cannon GX7 Mark ii:
Small Tripod:
Full Size Tripod:
Soft Box Lighting:
Ring Light:
Car Mount for Camera:

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We love Mail:
Colleen Eubanks
33 Office Park Rd. Suite A #175
Hilton Head Island, SC 29928

♡ FTC DISCLAIMER: *This post may contain affiliate links, and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. If I partner with a company I will always disclose it here. This video is NOT sponsored **This video was not made for children under 13 years of age. The target audience of this video is adults interested in homemaking and homeschooling.*

#homeschoolmom #getitalldonewithme #weekendreset


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