Channelling the Old Growth forest in B.C. Canada

Описание к видео Channelling the Old Growth forest in B.C. Canada

Avatar Grove is a forest in B.C. Canada, where the trees are centuries, to 1000s of years old.

It is situated within The Pacheedaht First Nation.

These ancient trees, guardians of ancestral wisdom, face threats from logging and industrial activities.

Not only are they wisdom-keepers with very important knowledge, but old growth forests also support a level of biodiversity not found in second growth forest, and are also valuable as carbon “sinks”, absorbing harmful greenhouse gases that are a factor in global warming.

While I was there, I got to spend some time at the Fairy Creek blockades, where indigenous peoples, and allies sacrifice years of their lives to physically protect the forest from logging trucks.

Being there was one of the most humbling experiences I’ve ever been blessed with.

The fact that these people care so much as to give up the comfort of their homes and lives to live in a wet rainforest camp, to get harassed constantly by officials, and people who just don’t get it, and STILL stand strong… I have much deep respect.

Anyone that has some sort of connection to their spirit can sense that the wisdom of these trees is tangible. Such that if we learned to listen, we as a human collective would be in a very different place than we are today.

It’s hard to describe, so I just encourage you to go experience it yourself.

Anyways, it was a privilege to channel some sounds from the forest. I came, played and left with deep respect and pray that all humans remember their connection to the natural world. That what we do to nature, we do to ourselves. Truly.

To protect Avatar Grove, it's crucial to amplify indigenous voices, respect land rights, and advocate for sustainable forestry practices. Collaborative efforts, such as supporting organizations like the Ancient Forest Alliance, are vital.

I do believe in a future where the earth reclaims her sovereignty, as we as a collective are doing the same.

In respect & love,



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