客家話見證的基督信仰 Sabah Christian Churches: Congregations in Hakka

Описание к видео 客家話見證的基督信仰 Sabah Christian Churches: Congregations in Hakka

#客家 #客家大學堂 #客家傳統 #馬來西亞 #移民 #沙巴 #基督教 #巴色 #sabah #hakka #hakkastudies #malaysia #hakkatraditons #UK #migrants #Christianity #basel

Our website: www.hakkastudies.org

沙巴的華人中,客家人佔大多數,而且基督徒特別多。他們有一個至今仍堅持的傳統,就是用客家話來做禮拜。我特地來參加 了他們的聚會,讓我有如穿越到1970年代以前的新界,特別在這裡跟大家分享。
Among the Chinese in Sabah, the majority is Hakka. Also, many of them are Christians. They are still keeping the tradition of holding congregations in Hakka. I participated their worships and felt like time travel back to the 1970s of New Territoties in Hong Kong. Let me share with you in this video.


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