Happy Labor Day.. and so it begins. |

Описание к видео Happy Labor Day.. and so it begins. |

#farming #smallfarmlife #lambs #babysheep #farmliving

We're delighted you've come to visit us.

It's been a bustling period at the farm recently, as spring and summer often are. Time doesn't stand still; fields must be kept for the livestock, and preparations for the newborns must go on, even if it means tackling the tasks in smaller chunks.

We've been engaged in a bit of "musical pens," arranging everyone just so, in anticipation of the lambs' arrival. Some of the mothers are getting quite heavy, and we expect the birthing to start any moment now.

We'll be bush-hogging a bit, tending to the sheep, and relocating some as well. It's all in preparation for the 2024-2025 lambing season.

A huge thank you to all our viewers, both longstanding and new.

So, we thank you once more for being an integral part of our farm and our extended family.

If you haven't already, please make sure to subscribe to our channel, and don't forget to like the video too.

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Facebook: LTB Farms
TikTok: LTB Farms


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