DSP rants about LTG for almost an hour (mostly full rant w/chat)

Описание к видео DSP rants about LTG for almost an hour (mostly full rant w/chat)

DSP gets triggered over Low Tier God (LTG) yet again, and rants about him for almost an hour. He pigsplains to his dents who LTG is and his background, then explains how all this relates to him, which culminates with DSP reacting to a video where LTG reacted to DSP's invitation to come on the Level 1 Podcast, which LTG rejects unless he gets paid to show up. In a total lack of self-awareness, DSP then goes on a rant that LTG needs to work for his money while flexing his $50k offer from Keemstar and offers he recieved to appear on other podcasts.


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