Fetoscopic Surgery for Spina Bifida | Emily's Story

Описание к видео Fetoscopic Surgery for Spina Bifida | Emily's Story

As a NICU nurse, Rebecca Malkie has seen the worst. So when Rebecca received the diagnosis that her third pregnancy had a confirmed case of spina bifida, her and her family were devasted. But after turning to the Fetal Therapy team at Johns Hopkins, Dr. Baschat and Dr. Miller introduced them to fetoscopic surgery. This in-utereo procedure is an innovative and less invasive treatment option to correct the fetus’s spinal column in the womb. Shortly after diagnosis, Rebecca underwent a successful fetoscopic surgery and was able to carry through with a successful pregnancy. She delivered a baby girl named Emily and at three years old, she is now a happy and healthy little girl!
For more information about this condition and treatment, visit our website: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/gynec... #FetoscopicSurgery #JohnsHopkins #SpinaBifida


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