Basic Food Safety: Chapter 2 "Health and Hygiene" (English)

Описание к видео Basic Food Safety: Chapter 2 "Health and Hygiene" (English)

This presentation is in 6 parts. Visit our YouTube Channel Playlists for the complete series.

What is biological contamination? How does food worker health affect safety? What should you do when you are sick? What does good personal hygiene mean? Find the answers to these and other important Food Safety questions in Chapter 2 "Health and Hygiene" including: Proper handwashing and when it's important, how to avoid barehand contact with ready to eat foods, glove use, and how personal habits can affect food safety.

Presented by eFoodHandlers Inc.

Get your basic food handler's card online today at

See video 6 for full credits and attribution.

Chapter 2 for All Users (except San Diego) including Utah Residents, updated on 060916 HD


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