This is why everyone is playing Dragons now [LoR Gameplay]

Описание к видео This is why everyone is playing Dragons now [LoR Gameplay]

Some standard ranked gameplay. Use big Dragons and their boons to destroy your opponents.

Many master players are playing this deck right now. Personally I have a 70% winrate, it feels very strong. You have many early game challengers to remove those pesky elusives like Norra and Teemo. Once you get to 5,6 and 7 mana your big Dragons get on the board, buffing themselves and making Elder Dragon cheaper. Combat tricks help triggering fury and shutting down your opponents comboes.

What plays would you have done differently?

0:00 Intro
1:48 Game 1 vs Gnar/Darius
8:43 Game 2 vs Jax/Ornn
19:48 Game 3 vs Karma/Sett
24:57 Game 4 vs Fizz/Yuumi

Deck Code:

#legendsofruneterra #lor #lordeck #shyvana #elderdragon #standard #climbing #gameplay #master #masterrank #fyp #op #metadeck #gameplay #cardgame #legendsofruneterragameplay #riotgames


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