Questions and answer in Pashto/With Sahib khan||

Описание к видео Questions and answer in Pashto/With Sahib khan||

مونګ هڅه کړي چى د يوټيوب د لاره انګلش پښتنو ته په پښتو کښي ولولو په دي کښى به راسره ستاسو د مرستى ډير ضرورت وي زمونګ دا پانړه درسره خواښه کړى او د نورو ملګرو سره ې هم شريکه کړي مننه۔
English synonyms in Pashto
   • learn english in pashto English basic...  

English Proverb in Pashto
   • (Class number33) Pashto proverbs (متل...  

English vocabulary in Pashto
   • (Class number34) English vocabulary i...  

Should have, Could have, Would have,
Explanation in Pashto
   • (Class number36) Should have, Would h...  

English sentences in Pashto
   • (Class number6) English to pashto sen...  

English sentences in Pashto
   • (Class number 2) English to pashto se...  

Should have, Shouldn't have,
Would have, Wouldn't have
   • (Class number3) Use Should have shoul...  

English sentences in Pashto
   • (Class number4) English to pashto sen...  

English sentences in Pashto
   • (Class number5) English to pashto sen...  

Have been, Had been in Pashto
   • (Class number7) Have been_ Has been_ ...  

Do, Does, Explanation in Pashto
   • (Class number8) Do and Does. English ...  

Is, Has, Explanation in Pashto
   • (Class number9) Is and Has. English t...  

English past simple sentences in Pashto
   • (Class number10) English to pashto se...  

Can, Could, Explanation in Pashto
   • (Class number11) Can And could. P pak...  

Contraction in Pashto
   • (Class number12) English Shortcut mea...  

English sentences in Pashto
   • (Class number13) English to pashto se...  

Was and Were explanation in Pashto
   • (Class number14) Was and were p pakht...  

English sentences in Pashto
   • (Class number16) English to pashto se...  

English ten word explanation in Pashto
   • (Class number17) English to Pashto se...  

Will and Shall explanation in Pashto
   • (Class number18) Whats difference  be...  

English sentences about cricket in Pashto
   • (Class number19) English to pashto se...  

English daily use sentences in Pashto
   • (Class number20) English to pashto se...  

Body parts name in Pashto
   • (Class number21) Body parts name in P...  

this, these, those, that, they, their explanation in Pashto
   • (Class number22) This. That. These. T...  

Vegetable names in pashto
   • (Class number23) Vegetable names in p...  

English past sentences in Pashto
   • (Class number24) English sentences  

Contraction in Pashto
   • (Class number25) Contraction meaning ...  

English Daily use sentences in Pashto
   • (Class number26) English daily use se...  

Either and Neither explanation in Pashto
   • (Class number27) Neither & either mea...  

English Proverbs in Pashto
   • (Class number28) English proverbs tra...  

Proverbs in Pashto
   • (Class number29) English proverbs tra...  

English tenses in Pashto
   • (Class number30) English tenses in pa...  

English tenses in Pashto
   • (Class number31) English tenses in Pa...  

English tenses in Pashto
   • (Class number32) English tenses meani...  

English test grammar in Pashto
   • (Class number37) English Grammar test...  

English sentences in Pashto
   • (Class number38) English sentences in...  

English sentences in Pashto
   • (Class number39) English sentences in...  

English sentences in Pashto
   • (Class number40) Should have Explanat...  

Should have explanation in Pashto
   • (Class number40) Should have Explanat...  

English Daily use sentences in Pashto
   • (Class number41)  English daily sente...  

English Grammar test in Pashto
   • (Class number42) English Grammar test...  

May and Might explanation in Pashto
   • (Class number43) Use of May and Might...  

English phrases in Pashto
   • (Class number44) English phrases in p...  

English sentences in Pashto
   • (Class number46) English sentences in...  

English vocabulary in Pashto
   • (Class number47) English vocabulary i...  

English vocabulary in Pashto
   • (Class number48) English vocabulary i...  

English vocabulary in Pashto
   • (Class number49) English vocabulary i...  

English vocabulary with sentences in Pashto
   • (Class number50) English vocabulary &...  

English sentences in Pashto
   • (Class number51) English sentences in...  

English sentences in Pashto
   • (Class number52) English sentences & ...  

Was, Were, Had explanation in Pashto
   • (Class number53) English past sentenc...  

English easy vocabulary in Pashto
   • (Class number54) English Daily Ues Vo...  

Family members name in Pashto
   • (Class number55) Family members name ...  


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