How to Setup EndNote for PRISMA Systematic Reviews 🌟

Описание к видео How to Setup EndNote for PRISMA Systematic Reviews 🌟

This tutorial describes how to use EndNote effectively to manage your references for your PRISMA systematic review.

This video will help if you are completing a literature review for your college or #university graduate, masters or doctoral studies. I show how to set up Group Sets and Groups in EndNote that support the PRISMA workflow.

The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) set of items is widely used for reviews. PRISMA provides checklists and flow diagrams; however, it can be challenging to manage references, and that is why I have created these instructions. I go through the following in this tutorial:

1) How to set up Group Sets and Groups in EndNote for use with PRISMA.
2) Coordinating Group Set names in #EndNote with PRISMA methods and results.
3) Importing references and adding to Group Sets and Groups (I use EBSCOhost and Scopus as example databases).
4) Tracking the number of references excluded, included, and undecided in each phase of PRISMA.
5) Removing duplicate references in EndNote.
Whether you're a doctoral, masters or undergraduate student, this tutorial will help you be more effective with your literature reviews.

The following are the EndNote Group Sets and Groups as shown in the video:

a_Initial search results
EBSCOHost (total = xx)
Scopus (total = xx)

b_duplicates removed
Duplicates removed (total = xx)

c_phase 1 retrieval
Exclude (total = xx)
Include (total = xx)
Undecided (total = xx)

d_phase 2 eligibility
Exclude (total = xx)
Include (total = xx)
Undecided (total = xx)

#EndNote #PRISMA #Education #tutorial #research


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