The Dirac delta function

Описание к видео The Dirac delta function

A description of the Dirac delta function as a distribution, its use in integrals, shifted delta functions, delta functions of other functions, derivatives of delta functions, and delta functions in Fourier analysis.

Note: there is a mistake in the example integral done on slide 6 around 17:15: the exponentials in the answer should be evaluated at the values of x picked out by the delta functions, i.e. -1 and 1, not x and -x. The answer should be 1 + e/2 + 1/(2*e). Apologies for the confusion this probably caused, and thanks to Manu Kamin and Unni Barchamua for pointing it out.

(This lecture is part of a series for a course based on Griffiths' Introduction to Quantum Mechanics. The Full playlist is at


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