"Let's Automate" Google Search Web GUI with Selenium WebDriver and Java - a 'How To' Case Study

Описание к видео "Let's Automate" Google Search Web GUI with Selenium WebDriver and Java - a 'How To' Case Study

A short case study showing how we can start to automate Google Search via the GUI using Selenium WebDriver and Java.

Also, I'm only showing you how to do this, so that you don't have to. Find some other applications to automate instead of Google Search.


In this video we:

create a maven pom.xml file
import JUnit and Selenium WebDriver 3 as dependencies
Use Chrome dev tools to investigate the page to support automated
start the browser
navigate to the search page
type search query
press the search button
extract results from the page
demonstrate using the dev tools to find elements with CSS selector queries
discuss some pros and cons of automating 3rd party apps
debug and evaluate Java Code


link to setup webdriver on windows

►    • How to install Firefox, MarionetteDri...  

link to setup webdriver on Mac

►    • How to Install Firefox, Marionette Ge...  

The github repo containing the source code for this video is:

► https://github.com/eviltester/seleniu...


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