Building a Powerslide HC Evo 90 Pro Skates with Parts

Описание к видео Building a Powerslide HC Evo 90 Pro Skates with Parts

We started buying skates in parts so that we can custom skates based on our customer's preference. In this video, our customer wanted a stock Powerslide Hardcore Evo 90 Skates. So we build the skates with the boot, frame, bearings and wheels.​When we do this, we can also save a lot money on shipping as the boxes required to ship parts are way smaller than box of complete skates. We carry forward this savings for our customers. We can also make sure that every part is working properly and swap out parts that are faulty. Customers can also buy parts separately and have us build their skates however they want it. At Inlinex, we make sure to stock up popular skate parts in our inventory. For those less popular parts, we make sure we are able to allow our customers pre order through our website. I hope you enjoy this video on building a skate. Your support for our business is what keeps us going.


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