Day 45 The Pivot Year . Letting GO is not Easy

Описание к видео Day 45 The Pivot Year . Letting GO is not Easy

Healing and Inspiration and growth for 2024 , #operationtoefusion
Video reading passage Day 45 .
The Pivot Year 365 days to become the person you truly want to be. By Brianne Wiest

This year I decided to make this a great year with the start of my 28 day detox in January with (Ancient Secrets of a Master Healer) and decided to finally get my right great toe fusion surgery done (Completed Feb 5th 2024) #Operation Toe Fusion

Over the holidays my daughter showed me a book in the book store called THE PIVOT YEAR 365 Days to become the person you truly want to be by Briann Wiest. She knew this was my kind of book so I grabbed it off the shelf.

Now that my surgery is done and im recooping at my friends Sues house who has graciously taken me in and my 3 cats. I am continuing to go inwards on my healing journey.
Through much inspiration from my friends ,family and this book and also my own spiritual connection circles, I am feeling so much love an blessings and this continues to open my heart and I feel compelled to share out to others in hope of being inspiration out to others who may be needing this at this time.
Within my new book I have 365 days of passages to read and this is invigorating and inspiring to share one each day as I continue on my healing journey of #operation Toe Fusion.

I keep experiencing amazing syncronicities and help from my guides .
Im also enjoying my favorite meditations from Lee Carrol and Kryon, Stargate experience and Daniel Scranton.

Hope you will stick with me through this . Please Like and comment and subscribe so these videos can spread out to help others.

An update in June 2024. My right foot has healed up quite a bit and there is a week bit of surgical healing still going on , well im happy to report that the regular pain is gone. Is I can say that I am very happy that I decided to get this Toe fusion surgery done .

Blessing and Always in the light

Melissa is a Spiritual Coach and an Intuitive healer , Melissa will help you align with your true self with the help of Guides and Higher dimensiona beings of light.

Melissa Offers the opportunity to connect with your loved ones, spirit guides and angels!

Presently Offering Meditation and Intuitive Healing Classes .
Mediumship classes
Opening Up to Your Intuition and Awareness 10 week Program
Akashic Record Workshop
Channeling classes

Contact Melissa today 905 866 7424
Offers In Person Reiki energy Healing and Readings or on line
Psychic Mediumship and Channeling and Akashic Record Readings

Melissa is a true healer, physically, energetically and spiritually.

For many years, Melissa sensed her angels and guides around her. Intuitively, she has received messages through channeling, and regularly shares, records, and publishes the messages and guidance that she receives. This work has helped many receive comfort and light while on their Light Path Transition. No one is alone and it is Melissa’s passion to ensure that all who are in pain, know that there is always someone looking over them, whether here or beyond, and are helping them heal at a soul level.

Melissa is a Spiritual Channeller, Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Coach, Mentor, Writer, Teacher, Psychic Medium/Channeler and Essenian Assistant Healer. Melissa has trained as a Reiki Master, Registered Practical Nurse, and a Medical Office Assistant. She is a contributing writer for a Beautiful Life magazine and speaks on many topics to sharing the knowledge that we are all one and we are all connected within our heart-opening awareness.

Melissa uses her intuition to help guide you to connect to your soul purpose through guided meditation, Channelling, and Reiki energy healing to help you gain clarity, peace and purpose so you can bring forth your best self, your true self ,out into the world. She will also help you open up to discover your deep intuition and guidance system and you will learn what this inner compass is all about. She will help you to learn to trust what you are sensing and feeling as you learn to see, sense and feel what your soul is saying to you.

No one is alone and it is Melissa’s passion to ensure that all who are in pain, know that there is always someone whether, here or beyond that is helping them heal at a soul level.

Contact Melissa
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: True Beings Of Light Intuitive Healing
Instagram: misslissad
Twitter: kisslissad
Linked in : Melissa Downard or True Beings Of Light Intuitive Healing
Mobile: 905 866 7424

Channelled messages and readings by Melissa T. Downard of True Beings Of Light Intuitive Healing.
Channeling the light the Pleadians
The Divine Realm
Galactic Federation of light
The Elementals
The Council of Light
Music by Chris Noble
Art work By Christine "Kesara" Dennett
Diane Akam dnafilms


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